2025 Annual Meeting


 Call for Proposals for Member-Sponsored Symposia

Deadline: December 4, 2024

The PNIRS Program Committee requests proposals for member-sponsored symposia to be presented at the PNIRS 2025 meeting in Bordeaux, France, June 9-12, 2025. Symposia should reflect cutting-edge PNI research and include a diverse (see our diversity statement below) set of speakers. We tentatively envision accepting up to six symposia this year with two presented concurrently and each lasting 90 minutes to include a maximum of three speakers. Speaking time should be limited to 75 minutes total for all speakers and time will be closely monitored and enforced. Symposium submissions may include both preclinical and clinical work. In addition, we will prioritize symposia that support diversity (as highlighted below). The committee also seeks proposals that reflect participation of scientists across career stages, including those who have never presented work at PNIRS.

There will be a single-stage process for submission using the form below:

  • Submit a title and abstract (max 500 words) for the full symposium
  • Submit a title and abstract (max 300 words) for each of the proposed speakers
  • Submit a statement (max 200 words) on how the symposium will support diversity

Deadline for submission of the full proposal is **December 4, 2024**. Full proposals will be assessed by the Program Committee and successful applicants will be notified by December 23, 2024.

PNIRS member participants are not eligible to receive funds for travel, registration, or honoraria. To broaden the scope of the meeting and to encourage diversity and participation by other leaders in the field who are not active in PNIRS, the Society will waive registration for participants who are not, or have not been, a member of PNIRS (up to 1 per symposium). Please note that in-person participation of all invited speakers must be confirmed before submitting a proposal.

Diversity Statement

PNIRS is committed to provide an equitable and welcoming environment for all individuals, regardless of race, ethnicity, color, national origin, religious and ethical value systems, political beliefs, socioeconomic status, physical and mental abilities or attributes, sex, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, and age.