
 Join Us Now: PNIRSAsia-Pacific Global Research Connections

Connect with psychoneuroimmunology research laboratories in China, Taiwan, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, India and other global institutions. Take a minute to join PNIRSAsia-Pacific Global Research Connections. A new initiative of the PNIRSAsia-Pacific committee seeks to connect professors, post-docs, graduate students and even undergraduates interested in brain, behavior and immunity research in the Asia-Pacific region with other laboratories throughout the world. If you are interested in hosting scientists from the Asia-Pacific region in your laboratory, or if your laboratory is in the Asia-Pacific region and you would like to work with scientists outside your country, please add your name, country, scientific web link, email address and area of expertise to this website Just click this link and complete the short form. It literally takes only 3 minutes of your time, after which you will be connected with research laboratories all over the world who are conducting research in brain, behavior and immunity.

P.S. The website is not available on mobile phones.

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PNIRSAsia-Pacific Global Research Connections: Spread the Word

The PNIRSAsia-Pacific committee promotes PNI/mind-body research in Eastern and Western countries by organizing symposia at major meetings throughout Asia-Oceania. Since 2012, we have organized 15 symposia in China, Taiwan, Australia, Japan and South Korea. In order to expand these efforts and build more bridges among countries in the East and West, the committee has developed a set of marketing materials to be shared globally. The files contain a short 60 sec video that highlights this new initiative, a two-page brochure that describes the aims and goals of PNIRSAsia-Pacific (written in both English and Mandarin) as well as a 13 min podcast (as well as the written text for the podcast) that provides more specific information about PNI research in the East and West. We hope that these materials will attract scientists interested in mind-body research throughout Asia-Oceania to serve as speakers at these symposia by joining us at the PNIRSAsia-Pacific Global Research Connections website ( These promotional materials are free to all. The committee encourages them to be distributed widely to other scientists who want to learn and become more involved in promoting biomedical research dialogue between the East and the West.

Video in English: Click here
Video hosted on YouTube: Click here
Video in Chinese: Click here
Podcast in English: Click here
Written Text of Podcast: Click here
Brochure in English: Click here
Brochure in Chinese: Click here

PNIRSAsia-Pacific Committee: Keith W. Kelley (Co-chair), Chris Coe (Co-chair), Hui-Chih Chang, Ebrahim Haroon, Qiang Liu, Yu-Ping Peng, Ning Quan, Melissa Rosenkranz, Atsuyoshi Shimada, Sarah Spencer, Kuan-Pin Su

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PNIRSAsia-Pacific Annual Reports

Click here to see a summary of each year's activities.

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