PNIRS 2024 Abstract Submission Guidelines

The PNIRS Program Committee is requesting abstracts for oral and poster sessions for the 2024 Annual Meeting in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, June 24-27, 2024. Meeting registration is required in order for your abstract submission to be considered. Please visit if you have not yet registered. The committee welcomes submissions on all scientific topics that address the mission of the Society and that involve at least two of the systems of central interest to our society: the central nervous system, the immune system, and behavior. Submissions should focus on new and unpublished work to ensure that the annual meeting remains at the cutting-edge of psychoneuroimmunology, including studies related to Covid-19. The committee strongly encourages submissions from women, underrepresented minorities, and early career scientists.

Guidelines for Abstracts for Oral and Poster Sessions:

  • The body of the abstract is limited to 300 words.
  • The abstract should contain the essential background, the new scientific information to be presented, and the possible significance of the results.
  • Abstracts should be divided into sections: Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusion.
  • Abstracts should contain plain text with no special formatting.

Abstracts will be evaluated on a 1-5 scale (1-poor, 2-below average, 3-average, 4-above average, 5-excellent) on the following four criteria:

  • BACKGROUND: statement of problem/background, research question/objective, and hypothesis are clearly stated
  • METHODS: strong and appropriate research design, methods, and statistical approach (including reporting sample size and sex)
  • RESULTS: Study results are clearly reported with statistical evidence to support the conclusions
  • CONCLUSIONS: The findings are compelling (more than just incremental advance)

Corresponding authors will be asked to indicate whether their submission aligns with pre-clinical (non-human or human) or clinical research, and whether they prefer oral or poster session format (Of note: Oral presentations will ultimately be allocated by the program committee from submissions indicating a preference for oral presentation, with remaining submissions allocated a poster presentation slot). Deadline for submissions is April 8, 2024, 11:59 pm EST. Late Breaking deadline for submissions is May 20, 2024, 11:59 pm EST.

Study should be appropriate for the PNIRS.

Evaluative criteria:

  1. BACKGROUND: Statement of problem/background, research question/objective, and hypothesis are clearly stated
  2. METHODS: Strong and appropriate research design, methods, and statistical approach (including reporting sample size and sex)
  3. RESULTS: Study results are clearly reported with statistical evidence to support the conclusions
  4. CONCLUSIONS: The findings are compelling (more than just incremental advance)

A 5 point scale for each above item:

1- Poor
2- Below Average
3- Average
4- Above Average
5- Excellent

The range of scores would be 4-20.