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The PsychoNeuroImmunology Research Society is an international organization for researchers in a number of scientific and medical disciplines including psychology, neurosciences, immunology, pharmacology, psychiatry, behavioral medicine, infectious diseases, endocrinology and rheumatology, who are interested in interactions between the nervous system and the immune system, and the relationship between behavior and health.SAVE THE DATERegistration and Call for Abstracts Now Open!
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Brain, Behavior and Immunity - Integrative Special Issues Brain, Behavior, and Immunity-Integrative is pleased to announce the development of a new Special Issue topic and six continuing Special Issues devoted to Traditional Asian medicine and health. Click here for details!
New Society Sponsored Journal - Brain, Behavior and Immunity - IntegrativeIn an effort to promote Eastern biomedical research focused on psychoneuroimmunology, as sister journal to Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, which currently has an impact factor of 19.2, was recently launched called Brain, Behavior, and Immunity – Integrative. Professors Weiwen Wang at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Liye Zou at Shenzhen University and Keith Kelley at the University of Illinois were instrumental in launching the new journal and will serve as Associate Editors. Read More!News and UpdatesMessage from the PresidentDear Colleagues and Members, As a long-standing member of PNIRS, I am deeply honored to step into the role of president of our Society. As a pioneering, interdisciplinary, and inclusive scientific organization, our core values will continue to guide us in our mission to improve human health and behavior. Having been a member of PNIRS from the early days of my scientific career, I personally know the importance of mentorship, training, and education for early-career scientists. This year’s Annual Meeting will place particular emphasis on enhancing education and mentorship for trainees, ensuring that the next generation of researchers is well-equipped for the future of PNI research. Our community has become like a family, and I warmly welcome all our new members, especially those just beginning their scientific journeys. I would like to extend my thanks to our outgoing president, Chris Engeland, for championing diversity in PNI research, particularly during the 2024 Halifax meeting. Textbook of Immunopsychiatry We’ve published a new textbook with contributions from various members of the society The Textbook of Immunopsychiatry Members of the PsychoNeuroImmunology Research Society receive 20% off!! Learn More >> |